can you believe our girl is eleven months old? she is a master crawler, is cruising along the furniture and standing any chance she gets. she can loves to "quak, quak, quak" and learned the word "nana" for banana from carson on our camping trip. she can do the sign language for more, please and eat. she is eating almost everything & is becoming very attached to her the monkey she sleeps with. she is a delight and a joy and we love her more everyday!
*seattle or bust*
to all our friends in seattle we love you and are so glad that we got to see so many of you. thanks for inviting us into your homes and feeding us, letting us stay, making us coffee, meeting us all around was so nice to be back in one of our favorite places with all of you. we hope we can get up there again soon- it was too much fun to stay away.
my foxy husband!
she loves her books & those soft hotel pillows- so sanitary!
paige's first visit to SPU...i love the loop
she just loved crawling around on the grass after being in the car for sooooo long!
courtney (auntie coco) is one of the best friends a girl could have. thanks for letting us stay and making us coffee and for a fun visit as always!
the nelsons also took us in...and gave us a lovely tour of the city of the soft petal (otherwise known as mt. vernon) . paige got to meet braelyn...who is barely 6 weeks younger and such a doll. she is quiet & petite with a really sweet demeanor and no sense of mischief. unlike paige who got her to eat some dog food while their daddy's (who were supposed to be watching them) weren't looking! she also likes to say "mamma, mamma, mamma" ...which paige picked up and is now saying (especially at night when she doesn't want to go to bed). it was fun to see our girls together and to hang with the nelsons- we always laugh a lot when we are all together! and paige loved tally- she chased her all over the house and even tried to follow her outside several times.
*here are some other fun things we did in july*
meeting little addie foster...she is soooo cute!
little princess
(we love this dress from auntie colleen- her and gigi are always buying paige the most lovely gifts)!
what a great post - so much fun! super adorable! hope gavin and paige can meet soon (just imagine a boy version of carson - VERY active!) stacy
yehhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!! It is about time we get to see a new blog. Paige seems to change everyday. Thanks for sharing Laura- I loved it!!!!!!! Grammy
Ok, time for new 1 year old picture!!!!!!!!!!!
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