paige is too funny these days. between loving on her baby and kissing "mommies baby" and having fun with Jenna (enna), Kirra (kia) and Cohl she is becoming quite the chatterbox. her sign language has slowed down because now she just wants to say everything! and i mean everything- she never stops talking. my favorite word that i have her say for everyone is peanut butter or "pee pee bu bu" in her terms. February was a very busy month along with our first really bad stomach flu for paige (you don't know love until your child throws up five times in one night and most of the rounds are on you)! we did make it to southern california for my cousin kim's baby shower (little asher is set to arrive about two weeks before baby aaron planned a wonderful birthday party for me with friends and we even got a visit from aunt fifi for the whole was a great way to celebrate my last year as a 20-something.
we are counting the days until baby number two arrives (about 8 more weeks) and i am for sure in the nesting mode- in between naps of course. aaron is very busy with church involvement and more classes this month- along with an upcoming snowshoe backpacking trip in Yosemite for a few days. call me crazy but camping in the snow does not sound fun to me...but he cannot wait. enjoy these pictures!
Grammy was begging for some new JCPenney here are her latest as she just turned 18 months! Where is the time going?

The weather has been beautiful- so we got out the other day for some fresh air & sun!
we have been really enjoying time with our friends the obwalds- they go to our church and only live several blocks from here! paige is in love with them and lights up whenever they are we are enjoying our "dress up box."


we love cousin Madsen! he is so cute!
we finally got to meet madsen on our trip to southern california for kim's shower- unfortunately because paige had been so sick and because my mom got sick (the day she was supposed to leave with us for the trip)...we decided that paige and i would keep our distance. i was so bummed that i could not hold him- but paige loved helping out by rocking his car carrier! so fun!
Man she is getting big. Off topic, Cast your SMS Dove Award vote for Addison Road.
Send "DOVE ADDISON" to 72648.
They personally e-mailed me when I asked them a question yesterday.
It's so fun to see pics of the fam, Laura! You are looking beautiful and I can't wait to meet baby #2. You are going to be a family of 4 soon! wow. Where does time go? Much love from Matt and me to all of you!
I can't believe you're already almost due! I was looking at the picture of you, I think it's a boy this time. I'm usually wrong about these things, but I was right about Paige being a girl, so maybe.
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