our moms and more group ended for the summer...here is a picture of our group with our kids (we are missing a few people). what a fun year- i miss it already and am so anxious to get started again in september. this group has been a saving grace for me as a new mom!
meeting little marty...what a cutie. he is so tiny- i forget how small paige was as a newborn!
the princess gets her food (these pictures are for you matt)!
celebrating uncle drew's birthday. drew loves paige!
and finally... valley bible church @ the crossing... (the church i grew up attending) celebrated their 20th anniversary. it was a fun celebration and kind of like a family reunion. i was grateful that aaron & paige got a chance to see just how special vbc is and the community of believers that have been a part of my life through the church. many people visited and we saw some funny old videos and heard from most of the founding elders about how it all began. those of us who have been on the worship teams over the years got to go sing with the band and we took so fun pictures of old youth group friends. i don't think it is possible to have a perfect church- but vbc has set the bar very high...it is a sincere and loving place that seeks to know God and share his love. i am grateful for growing up there and always enjoy visiting when i am in pleasanton. thank you Lord for a wonderful group of people who have taught me so much and who demonstrate your love and grace...i look forward to the next 20 years!
all of us went through the youth group at some point...so fun.
What great pictures! Paige has gotten so big! It's hard to believe she's already 8 months old. We should talk soon and catch up!
All the pictures are great! Especially of Paige of course and I love the one with Jen, Laura, Drew and Aaron. Wow- Paige sure has traveled alot in her short life so far!! Love, Grammy
it is so fun that gavin and paige are so close in age - can't wait for them to meet. i hadn't checked your blog in a while - so great and paige is adorable! they are getting so big! keep up the good blogging - we enjoy it!
Ok, Ok- Eight months old and so much more... What happened to 9 months old and so much more!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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