our nine hour trip from susanville went pretty well...until the last two hours when paige proceeded to cry non-stop. we actually sang itsy-bitsy spider for about twenty minutes to try and calm her down. it worked- but only when we sang that song. who can sing that song- or any song- for two hours? also, this was my final day of being sick and it ended with a bang. i will spare you the details- but it was the worst day of my stomach flu and it was not pretty. shannon was a great nurse when i got there and thankfully i woke up the next morning feeling like a new person!

shannon and kevin were awesome tour guides...they took us around nampa, boise and caldwell. we also went to this cool coffee shop called Rembrandts Coffee House in eagle (a fancy upscale area) where we sat and talked for like 4 hours. and no trip to boise would be complete without a special stop at the Cabelas super store...aaron could have been in there forever if we had let him. paige got a pink camo sippy cup for her road trip souvenir.
one of the highlights of our tour was this amazing Anne Frank Memorial...it features a statue (see below) to honor her life and story...as well as famous quotes by humanitarians and human rights activists. it is set outside in the middle of this great area of parks and trails and museums in downtown boise. it is beautiful and educational and it made me grateful for my heritage and the freedoms and rights we have in this country today. i really loved it. if you are ever there you should check it out!
paige found the whole thing fascinating as well!
saying good bye...so sad. we wish we all lived closer and could visit more!

this shoe tree was our last stop before susanville- we stayed there one more night before heading to sacramento. it was sad to leave susanville and to say goodbye to aaron's parents again...they treated us to breakfast at the black bear diner...yummy...and we were on the road again.
our last leg of the trip was in sacramento...our state capitol...very fun. we looked for arnold but no luck. i guess nobody works at the capitol on sundays...it was a ghost town. on saturday we went to the train museum, walked around old town, stayed at the holiday inn (it was really nice and in walking distance of everything) and had a lovely sushi dinner. on sunday we walked around the capitol grounds before heading home to fresno. the capitol grounds are beautiful...the flowers, trees and building itself are really nice- i had not remembered it from my 4th grade field trip. also there is a california fire fighters memorial on the capitol grounds that aaron's mom told us to check out....very cool (you can always rely on teachers for this kind of good information)! sadly, the camera died right as we got there and we could only snap one shot of the memorial. oh well.
what a cool picture of Aaron and Paige! Aarons sister looks JUST like their mom in the group picture of all of you!
great baby makes 3 pic. with A. and P. Love the colors.
We went to Rembrandt's too! Isn't it fun? And Cabeala's is quite the experience. My parents took us there as a little field trip.
Wow, great pictures. I especially love the one of Aaron and paige as well. But I also love the one where she is asleep with her amazing eyelashes(from the Panfilio genes) and lips (from Morse genes- they look like Jen's).What can I say- aperfect combo form an unbiased Grammy.
panfis, you are so cool! i LOVE the new BIG pic at the top of the blog... it is so cute of Aaron and Paige. i can't wait to see you guys in a couple of weeks. love you lots! kz
Please don't ever use the word Sactown in your family blog...save that for Truth Remedy.
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