
August's greenVALENTINE challenge {zero waste}...

...Consider becoming a "Less Waste Home"...

Have you heard about the "Zero Waste Family" yet?  

Check them out here {watch the quick video}: Zero Waste Home

Did you watch the video? 

I know, I know...some of you are thinking I have lost my mind...I assure you that I have not!  Most of us cannot even fathom this life but keep an open mind...check out their video {if you have not already} and think about it. Maybe, just maybe, change one thing you are doing to bring less into your home so that less goes out.  I for one am challenged to at least be a "Less Waste Family" and I'm going to start by trying to buy in bulk more often.  We'll see! 

Let me know what you think...and consider being a "Less Waste Home"!

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