last month we went on a road trip to susanville (the "ville") & idaho to visit family and get some vacation time. it was a beautiful drive, a wonderful time with family and an exciting adventure. paige was a great traveler and we even got to spend easter with family. here are just a few highlights...we also got to watch all three godfather movies (i had never seen them)...also a highlight of the trip. another highlight was having the stomach flu for the first five days of our trip...i loved being curled up on the couch with no appetite and an upset tummy. it also made the drive to susanville particularly special considering that feather river canyon has a ton of curvy roads...i was so sure i was pregnant and experiencing morning sickness that i took 3 pregnancy tests...but i was just sick. thankfully paige and aaron did not get it.
daddy was a good sport...easter egg hunting is not his thing...but he played along for the sake of paige!
i love my girl! i never knew i could love her as much as i do...but i am just crazy about this little, wonderful person that i get to love and raise and know!
easter ended with plenty of peeps, candy and new toys & clothes for paige...along with a wonderful feast prepared by grandma paula. we also got to go easter egg hunting with the french family...we always love seeing them when we are in susanville.
just hanging around granddad and grandma's house...
i loved sleeping on grandma's shoulder...and riding around in my new toy...the bug mobile!
...and of course she loves her granddad as well!
paige would wake back to sleep...wake up...and then cry...we would feed her, change her stretch and then do it all over again for another couple of hours. it was about 9 hours to boise and she did great until the last few hours when she screamed her head off!
I love that Paige has an Easter bunny jacket- that's so cute! Sounds like a fun trip & what a little cutie you've got!
ok, she is 8 months today, so it is time for a new picture. Thanks!!
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